1865 P 3-Cent Nickels (Proof) Three-Cent PR67 PCGS
Price: $15,100.00
Product Description:
3-Cent Nickel. 1865 3cN PCGS Proof 67 – Scarce First Year Proof One of just 500 coins struck in proof this year.

1865 P 3-Cent Nickels (Proof) Three-Cent PR67 PCGS
Price: $15,100.00
Product Description:
3-Cent Nickel. 1865 3cN PCGS Proof 67 – Scarce First Year Proof One of just 500 coins struck in proof this year.
1892 P Indian Cents (Proof) Cent PR65 PCGS RD
Price: $1,400.00
Product Description:
1892 1c PCGS Proof 65 RD – Scarce Full Red Gem Proof Wow! Monstrous red gem proof with awesome reflective surfaces and great luster. Indian Cent.
2009 W $10 First Spouse Sarah Polk Ten Dollar PR69 NGC DCAM
Price: $1,050.00
Product Description:
First Spouse .999 Gold. 2009-W Sarah Polk $10 NGC Proof 69 DCAM. Modern Commemorative.
2005 S Sacagawea Dollar US Mint Proof
Price: $3.59 Sale: $2.99
Product Description:
Gem Proof 2005-S Sacagawea “Golden” Dollar coin. These S-mint mark coins, proof struck the San Francisco Mint, are the most beautiful examples this coin because they display deep mirror-like fields and frosty design. The Golden Dollar’s front has Sacagawea portrayed in three-quarter profile. On her back, Sacagawea carries Jean Baptiste, her infant son. Six months pregnant when she joined the Lewis and Clark expedition, Sacagawea gave birth to Jean Baptiste early in the journey. In rendering Sacagawea, Goodacre included the large, dark eyes attributed to her in Shoshone legends.
1864 P Indian Cents (Proof) L On Ribbon Cent RB PCGS\CAC PR65
Product Description:
1864-L 1c PCGS/CAC Proof 65 RB (L On Ribbon) Major US Rarity
The proof 164-L Indian cent is one of the great numismatic rarities in the entire catalog. On a par with the 1864 Small Motto Proof 2-cent piece and 1867 Shield Nickel in proof, the 64-L is highly coveted as a very low mintage rarity. It is estimated that 20 examples were struck and this gorgeous gem Red-Brown with CAC approval is certainly among the finest 4-5 examples to survive. It is particularly attractive with lots of red remaining over strong, mirrored surfaces. A great coin for an advanced collection. Another PCGS/CAC PR65 RB example sold recently for $135,125 (Heritage: 8/12). Prior to that an example realized $161,000 (Heritage: 10/11)